IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop 2021,
25 – 28 October, Gold Coast, Australia
The 31st MLSP workshop in the series of workshops organized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society MLSP Technical Committee will take place in Gold Coast, Australia. If conditions allow, we plan to have a conference running in a hybrid format with a virtual program for attendees that can’t attend the conference and in person attendance for attendees that can attend. The conference will present the most recent and exciting advances in machine learning for signal processing through keynote talks, tutorials, special and regular single-track sessions as well as matchmaking events. The presented papers will be published in and indexed by IEEE Xplore.
All submitted papers are reviewed by experts and only a proportion is accepted maintaining a high quality scientific meeting. The scope of the workshop includes basic theory, methods and algorithms, and applications in the following areas:
Theoretical and application Topics:
- Learning theory and algorithms
- Information-theoretic learning
- Deep learning techniques
- Distributed/Federated learning
- Dictionary learning
- Graphical and kernel methods
- Learning from multimodal data
- Independent component analysis
- Matrix factorizations/completion
- Reinforcement learning
- Transfer learning
- Source separation
- Reinforcement learning
- Subspace and manifold learning
- Sequential learning
- Self-supervised and semi supervised learning
- Tensor-based signal processing
- Sparsity-aware processing
- Pattern recognition and classification
- Music and audio processing
- Applications of machine learning
Submission of papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit 6 pages full-length papers, including figures and references. Papers are submitted electronically at 2021.ieeemlsp.org.
Special session proposals:
Special session proposals: Special session proposals are submitted through the 2021.ieeemlsp.org. They must include a topical title, rational, session outline, contact information and the list of invited papers. Special session authors are referred to the workshop website for additional information regarding submissions.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for special session proposals submission April 30th, 2021
- Special sessions selected May 7th, 2021
- Deadline for 6-page paper submissions
May 31st, 2021has been extended to June 14th, 2021 - Notification of paper acceptance
July 31st, 2021August 31st, 2021 - Camera ready upload
August 31st, 2021September 30th, 2021September 13th, 2021 - Start of conference October 25th, 2021
The conference will be fully virtual.
General Chairs
• Abd-Krim Seghouane, University of Melbourne
• Mohammed Bennamoun, University of Western Australia
• Jonathan Manton, University of Melbourne
Program Chairs
• Dong Xu, University of Sydney
• Liang Zheng, Australian National University
• Wen Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology Chine
Plenary Chairs
• Ba-ngu Vo, Curtin University
• Tongliang Liu, University of Sydney
Tutorial Chairs
• Hamid Laga, Murdoch University
• Qian Yu, Beihang University
Special session Chair
• Lu Sheng, Beihang University
Finance Chair
• Luping Zhou, University of Sydney
Student Prize Chair
• Chunhua Shen, University of Adelaide
Data Competition Chairs
• Ercan Kuruoglu, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
• Danilo Comminiello, Sapienza University of Rome
Publicity Chair
• Navid Shokouhi, Global Kinetics
Publication Chairs
• Guo Lu, Beijing Institute of Tectnology
• Jing Zhang, Beihang University
Advisory Committee
• Zheng-Hua Tan, Aalborg University
• Murat Akcakaya, University of Pittsburgh
• Bhaskar Rao, University of California San Diego
• Raviv Raich, Oregon State University